Date Tags picks / vim

The following are a few Vim plugins that really boost productivity with this fantastic editor:

  • EasyMotion - Makes moving to a specific location a breeze; see it in action here.
  • Buffet - My favorite plugin for moving between open buffers.
  • CtrlP - Quickly open files within a project directory structure via fuzzy search.
  • FuzzyFinder - Fuzzy searching for buffers, files, tags, etc.
  • MRU - Simple plugin that shows a list of the most recently used files.

Quick note on using CtrlP with Fossil, modify the g:ctrlp_root_markers variable to include '_FOSSIL_' (and '*.fossil' if repos are kept locally with that extension). Now you can easily jump to any file in the open repo.

Hi, I am Jeff Rimko!
A computer engineer and software developer in the greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area.