Question Drilldown - Processes, Threads

This is the first post using a format that I have been wanting to try out for a long time. The idea is to catalog the questions that might be asked when first learning about a topic. By reviewing these questions, hopefully newcomers can learn a great deal and the more experienced can brush up a bit. The goal is not to exhaustively review every detail on the topic but rather provide just enough information …

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DevLog - Doctrine Updates And Electron

In a previous post, I was kicking around some ideas for updating a pet project of mine called Doctrine. Here's a quick update on the progress of the second iteration of the project.

I decided to go the JavaScript/Electron route. Electron is easy to work with, it does what is expected (usually) and haven't run into too many surprises. The functionality of Doctrine2 is coming together nicely and I hope to make the code …

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Quick Thought On GDEX

Couple of quick thoughts on GDEX this year:

  • Big shout out to the Fate's Echo team! These guys are awesome and there game looks great! Just happened to meet them on the same day they met each other in person for the first time!
  • Of all the games at the show, Collapsis from Wraith Games stood out with its simple, fun gameplay.
  • The talk on arcade first development was very interesting. Enjoyed talking with the …
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Programming Language Popularity

Date Tags software

UPDATE: Complete data is now available here.

The following is some programming language popularity and average salary data collected from Indeed and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The collected data included about 50 of the top programming languages in regular use. The popularity value is how a given language compares against all other languages. The employment number is an estimate for all of the US. The salary number is averaged over all the US …

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Strange Electron Webview Behavior

Noticed some strange Electron <webview> behavior while working on a proof-of-concept for the next version of Doctrine.

I have a simple page with a <webview> tag displaying a local HTML file. If the local HTML file contains a link and the user clicks on it, the default browser should open the URL instead of the <webview>.

The following code produces the expected results:

webview.addEventListener('will-navigate', (event) => {
    // Order is important or URL will open in …
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Quick Thoughts On Abstraction Conference

Recently attended Abstractions Conference in Pittsburgh. This was my first software-only conference. A few quick highlights from the convention:

  • While I have no particular application in mind yet, Elixir sounds intriguing. For embedded systems, Nerves sound neat but maybe not quite ready for prime time.
  • Joe Armstrong's idea of ubiquitous solar powered computing devices is quite interesting.
  • Scott Hanselman gave a highly entertaining talk on the Cloud, JavaScript, and the evolution of web technologies. Think …
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Weekly Picks - Software Developer Showcase

Something a little different this week. Picking a single software developer this week and showcasing a few of his/her projects.

The developer this week is Lu Wang, coolwanglu on GitHub.


  • pdf2htmlEX - Fantastic PDF to HTML converter. I've tried a few similar utilities and this one produces the best results by far.
  • neovim-e - Electron-based GUI for Neovim.
  • vim.js - Port of VIM to JavaScript. Looks like Emscripten is being used for the transpilation.
  • OK …
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DevLog - Doctrine Updates

I have been thinking over some updates for Doctrine. In it's current state, Doctrine is a functional proof-of-concept of an application that renders AsciiDoc files while also applying some Unified Style Guide (USG) concepts. In the next iteration, my goal is to further integrate USG ideas to help set Doctrine apart from other AsciiDoc tools and also promote a standardized USG toolchain.

Here's an example of a USG idea that is currently implemented in Doctrine …

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Hi, I am Jeff Rimko!
A computer engineer and software developer in the greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area.